
Help! I’m Struggling to Lose Weight

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Help! I’m Struggling to Lose Weight

Losing weight is never easy and doesn’t hinge on drastic calorie cutting. Many issues influence your success, from hormone imbalances and health concerns to emotional eating and well-meaning but unsupportive family and friends.

Take heart because you can overcome weight-loss challenges no matter how many times you have tried. How? With support from Jaime Dodge, MD, and our team at Aletheia Integrative.

Our medically supervised weight-loss program offers customized, comprehensive, and compassionate care that has helped many patients find a sustainable lifestyle supporting a healthy weight. We can do the same for you. 

Learn about four crucial steps to take if you’re struggling to lose weight.

Step 1: Lean on a team

A support team gives you the best chance for success because connecting with others who understand your journey is a powerful motivational tool. People with a weight-loss team lose more weight and keep it off longer. 

At Aletheia Integrative, you gain an incredible support team. Our health coach helps you define personalized goals and create a plan for achieving them.

Our entire team is your circle of support. We gently but firmly hold you accountable, ensuring you follow through and make progress. And most importantly, we build you up and offer encouragement when you hit a plateau or feel like you can’t keep up with your plan. 

Step 2: Get a medical evaluation

People struggling to lose weight often have a health problem that interferes with their efforts. For example, diabetes and undiagnosed thyroid disease directly affect weight loss.

Nutrient deficiencies are common, thanks to today’s diets filled with fast food, high-sugar, and processed products. Your metabolism can’t function without adequate nutrition, making it harder to lose weight. 

Hormonal imbalances are another problem disrupting weight loss. Even if you’re essentially healthy, you may have a weight-related hormonal imbalance.

Gaining and losing weight impacts certain hormones that regulate your appetite and determine if your body burns or stores fat. As a result, you may feel hungry even after eating a big meal.

 Our medically supervised weight-loss program identifies and treats health issues. We also customize your long-term meal plan to support chronic diseases. 

Step 3: Learn about healthy meal plans

Fad diets produce fast results by allowing only a few foods and dramatically reducing calories. When you follow such an extreme diet, your body pays the price because it lacks the calories and nutrients needed to produce energy, heal, and survive.

Restricting calories also tells your brain you’re starving. Then, the brain kicks your body into survival mode, forcing it to stockpile calories instead of burning them. 

The only way to lose weight and keep it off is to create and follow a well-balanced meal plan. We teach you how to replace empty calories and harmful foods with nourishing, satisfying meals that keep you healthy for the rest of your life.

Step 4: Choose an activity you love

You already know exercise promotes weight loss, prevents chronic diseases, and improves mental well-being. But that doesn’t mean you must stick with a boring regimen or engage in undesirable exercises. 

Choose any activity you love and stick with it. Walking, dancing, cycling, swimming, yoga, and Pilates are all great ways to exercise.

 Engaging in enjoyable hobbies like gardening burns calories and works your muscles. Even less lovable but necessary activities like house cleaning and washing the car give you a workout.

The heavier you are, the more calories you burn during a set amount of time. As you lose weight, you may need to increase the time you spend or the type of activity to get the same results. 

Your health coach here at Aletheia Integrative also helps by making recommendations that work for you and are safe for your current fitness level.

Learn more about how our team can help you reach your weight loss goals and build an active lifestyle. Call the office today in Lincoln, Nebraska, or connect through online booking to schedule a weight loss consultation.